The 10X NFT
Better Than a Money Back Guarantee
We understand that as NFT buyers, you don’t want your “money back” - do you?
No. You want something in exchange for your purchase.
Our 10X NFT aims to deliver much more than the value you spend during mint. This is our commitment to holders and to ourselves.
We guarantee 10x utility value on your NFT within 6-months or your money back.
There are two ways we could measure 10X:
1) Floor price of collection on OpenSea.
2) Redeemable value through utility.
Explained: 10x floor price wRedeemable value through utility" is anything we offer holders with value. If we offer our holders a custom Hoodie priced at $65 retail, exclusive information like alpha insights on other projects, or a complimentary NFT, these items would be considered redeemable value. Using these methods to quantify value, we can achieve 10X.
Why 10X?
10X symbolizes our level of commitment. We are holding ourselves accountable to a level 10x what is expected of us by our community. We vow to invest 10 times the amount of resources necessary to make this project successful.
10x the time & energy.
10x resources, talent, expertise.
10x creativity, passion, and love.
We Have Just 3 Rules
To protect our project and community, we have just 3 rules for you to qualify for 10X utility.
Rule 1 - Mint From Public Sale
We require that you mint the token from this website during our presale or public sale. The timestamp of your minted token on the smart contract begins the 10x period which lasts 180 days.
Rule 2 -Do Not Transfer
The NFT must not be transferred to another wallet. If transferred, some utility value will no longer be redeemable to whoever holds it but the NFT.
Rule 3 - Never List Below .5 ETH
We require that you support the project by never listing the NFT below 0.5 ETH. This is the single best way you can support the long term value of the project and the only way we can offer this generous guarantee.
Can You Give 10X?
Can you match our 10X energy? We can't require you to commit 10x, but this project could actually 100X if our community shows up with the same level of enthusiasm, support, and passion.
Let's 10X together and take Karma Cats to the moon.
Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Do not purchase this NFT expecting a return on investment. This is not an investment contract nor is it a promise of profits. This NFT is a voucher for redeemable information, goods, or privileges, and this Guarantee is a promise to deliver *access* and *opportunity* for NFT holders to redeem said information, goods, or privileges as they may become available. Limitations apply and criteria above must be met to qualify. We reserve the right to deny anyone access to these opportunities if our community rules are broken.